> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kirby Urner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, October 09, 2005 11:38 AM
> To: 'Arthur'; 'Laura Creighton'
> > But will settle for a moratorium.
> >
> > A good, long moratorium.
> >
> > Art
> >
> Just trying to get clear what there's a moratorium on.  Educators doing
> something to right an imbalance of some kind?  Sounds like we might want
> to
> be doing that, not slamming a door shut on.  And your objection is
> something
> about pussyfooting and Marxism?

Am I incomprehensible to you because I talk over your head, or under it?

Do you bother to read what I write?

I am quite sure that there are intelligent responses to what I am trying to
say. I am also just an ape of more than average intelligence.

Your's doesn't qualify as an intelligent response.

But you are denigrating, not responding.

And - yes - as usual I think I am speaking at a level of substance that
deserves more than that.

And yes, I am taking the kind of counter position against which it is easy
enough to take cheap shots - and sound like the one "in the loop".

I would appreciate it if you resisted. 

Or at lest, first, made some effort to indicate you actual read what I wrote
with some sensitivity. As a prelude to your denigrating response.

But as you have said, you read what I write with a sense of from where it
comes. And you have a right to (to be wrong) about that.   


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