> From: Kirby Urner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To: 'Arthur'; 'Chuck Allison'
> > I am hoping that *that* is the role that .Net ends up playing.
> Sounds like you're praying for a very expensive train wreck.

What I happen to feel on these matters is actually quite complicated -
beyond what even I could justify trying to lay out here.

Points of note:

I have a good deal more expertise in some Microsoft technologies and
offerings than I do in, for example, Python. And that expertise contributes
much more directly to my ability to make a living than does, for example,


I think that one of the major factors working against Microsoft at this
point in the game is a general anti-American sentiment - particularly in
Europe.  I feel much of that sentiment is perverse (let's *not* get into
it).  But I see a perverse silver lining in it to the extent it might help
level the technology playing field, by humbling Microsoft.

Given some of the complexities...

I should try to content myself by focusing on the concrete and unassailable
issues - like the notion that institutions that have charters and mission
statements should live within them.
But to lend evidence to the notion that even this concrete and unassailable
notion is no longer taken very seriously - when it comes to technology and
under the influence of Industry efforts -  would require a lot more chapter
and verse recitation than would be appropriate here.

But how seriously does this issue concern you?


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