Ok, now that EuroPython is no longer in my home town in Göteborg, I am
more free to organise things around here.  (The last 2 years I have
been more involved with making sure that everything works ok, in the
way that a co-chairman can only be.)

This means that I have only done a minimal job of getting US
the Europython we want.

This year I will have more time.

Ok gang, its our conference.  We have a budget to invite some
people we like ... and Kirby, I already got the word that we
want you to come again and explain what you are doing now ....

I would like to know who of you are already planning on
coming, who are thinking of it, and what we can do to get
more python educators and 'the rest of us' to the conference.
I do not know whether it is better to discuss this here or on
the Europython mailing list.

_Here- has the advantage that I get all the people I am interested in,
with the disadvantage that I also get those as are not interested.

_There_ has the the advantage as we can shame the rest into more and 
better action, which is competition at its best.  Also there is some
change I can saddle some of you with work there, and this will
add to my prestige as a 'getter of things done'.  

But overall, I think it is better to stay here for now.
If too many non-European edu people complain we can reconsider.

Ok gang.  It is our conference.  Brainstorming time.  What would
we like? how do we get it?

we do not even need to follow the 'tracks and talks' requirement.
Whatever we want is on the table for the simple reason we want it.

Let the open brainstorming begin.


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