On Apr 11, 2006, at 1:19 PM, Scott David Daniels wrote:

One idea I had some time ago is using Python for visualizations.
In particular, I once built an iterator-based visualization of DB
query processing (based on old collaborative work with my erstwhile
office-mate Bennet Vance) that makes it visually obvious that query
processing re-arrangements produce dramatically different query
processing speeds.  It was a Tkinter-based thing, and if enough CS
teachers (let's say, two) are interested, I'll go dredge up the code
(which involves dissecting a dead laptop) and prep it for reading.
The delay should be a week or so.

love that idea, and I would be happy to help as I'm going to start talking about query processing in a week or so.

I really like using algorithm visualizations for data structures class.  I think it really helps the students get at the main ideas in the the algorithms.  I made some additions to Guido's program sortvisu.py that comes with the Tkinter demos in the python distro for my data structures class this Spring.  sortvisu.py is a nice program for the student to use to see visually how the different sorting algorithms compare.

The version that comes with the distribution was missing shell sort and merge sort so I added those two.  Maybe more interesting that the sort functions themselves was the nice array class that made it easy to add new algorithms, and would probably be useful for more than just sorting algorithms.  If people are interested I would be happy to post my new version of sortvisu.py.

One of my colleagues here at Luther also made a nice little Tkinter program for creating graphs and then visualizing some graph algorithms.


--Scott David Daniels

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Brad Miller, PhD
Assistant Professor
Luther College

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