On 30-Nov-06, at 5:39 PM, Tom Hoffman wrote:

> Actually, the OLPC provides a standard disk image you can use with
> qemu.  I packaged one of those up last week as a vmware appliance and
> posted it to my blog, which has subsequently been downloaded an
> zillion times, since it suddenly made it easy for average Windows
> users to have a crack at it.

And OS X users too...

> So yeah, on one hand, you could say the OLPC folks could be doing a
> better job of marketing (like reaching out to those Windows users
> themselves), but on the other hand, the main criticism of the project
> is probably that it is all hype and marketing, so either way, they
> lose ;-).

At least they're not in Kathy Sierra's "Zone of Mediocrity."  As long  
as folks either love 'em or hate 'em, then chances are they're doing  
something important.

> No matter how you slice it though, it does seem to be more tricky to
> get an emulator for it running on the Mac.  qemu should work, albiet
> more slowly than Parallels.

Qool.  I haven't looked into running other emulators in a while.

> The main wiki page for OLPC emulation is here:
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OS_images_for_emulation

Alright.  I didn't know about that.  I had seen a blog post (maybe  
yours, can't remember off-hand) that linked to images for VMWare.   
But the page you link to above has instructions for getting it  
running under Parallels, so I'll see if I can't get that working.

Thanks for the pointers!


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