It is hilariously funny at times, but pretty much useless, at least  
for philosophical discourse.

- Bert -

Am Jan 18, 2007 um 15:37  schrieb Paul D. Fernhout:

> Bert-
> Just for fun, here is a link through Babelfish for edusig auf  
> Deutsch: :-)
> lp=en_de& 
> 2fedu-sig
> See for example:
> "[ Edu-Edu-sig ] Slashdot Artikel: Programmieren Zicklein Jedoch?"
> lp=en_de& 
> 2F2006-April%2F006308.html
> Or January's posts:
> lp=en_de& 
> 2f2007-January%2fthread.html
> I'd be curious what a native German speaker had to say about the  
> quality
> or usefulness of these automatic translations of edusig?
> Useful? Confusing? Useless?
> --Paul Fernhout
> Bert Freudenberg wrote:
>> Am Jan 18, 2007 um 6:45  schrieb Paul D. Fernhout:
>>>  so no matter how cheap you made distributing a
>>> diversity of text books or related educational materials,  
>>> schools  would
>>> not want any but the standardized ones to be used at the  
>>> standardized
>>> times. The point of conventional schooling was then ansd still is to
>>> produce a standard graded product, not amplify differences. As I
>>> point out
>>> in my previously linked essay
>>>       "Why Educational Technology Has Failed Schools"
>>> WhyEducationalTechnologyHasFailedSchools.html
>>> computers linked to the internet have revolutionized just about   
>>> every
>>> area
>>> of life today related to information access and education -- except,
>>> ironically, schooling. I think there is a reason. Schools are   
>>> *actively*
>>> in the way of everything the better side of the world wide web
>>> promises --
>>> diversity, expression, disintermediation, innovation, etc.
>> Hi Paul,
>> I *very* much enjoy reading your thoughts on technology and   
>> education.
>> I wish they were in German, to be able to show them to  people  
>> here ...
>> Do you know any German writer with similar views?
>> - Bert -

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