
On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 2:12 PM, Vern Ceder <vce...@canterburyschool.org>wrote:

> Hi Kirby, Andre, everyone,
> Sorry for the late reply - things have been busy here...
> I was also thinking we need a short mention and a link on the edu-sig
> home page to some info about the PyCon education/poster session.
> I haven't pitched this to the PyCon organizers yet, so we don't need to
> act immediately, but I'm thinking/hoping to have something more formed
> by the middle of the summer. Then we can link from the the edu-sig page to
> a wiki page on the PyCon site.
> The general idea is to provide a space at PyCon for educators to show
> off what they've been doing with Python, whether or not they can attend
> PyCon. This not only would raise the profile of Python in education, but
> would also give us all a target to aim for and a way of recording/sharing
> our gains.
> Right now what I'm thinking about suggesting/asking for is:
> 1. Display space in fairly public place. I'm thinking space for posters,
> a few tables for demos, some standing-around-and-talking space, etc.
> 2. Offer poster spots to anyone with an educational project, whether
> they can attend or not. Of course, if they can attend and stand around
> their poster during a designated session time, so much the better. OTOH, if
> they can't attend they might be able to recruit a stand-in from those
> attending, and at the very least they will be able to get the word out about
> what they are doing.
> BTW, I would see a "poster space" being anything from a chunk of wall space
> for displaying a couple of posters to some table space for demos, etc. The
> details of that will depend on what the PyCon organizers will be able (and
> willing) to offer.
> Other ideas include graffiti posters for attendees to add projects, notes
> and comments, ala PyOhio (see
> http://wiki.python.org/moin/PyOhio2008/PosterSession), encouraging
> lightning talks, and submitting a "State of Python in Education" talk for
> consideration in the regular program.
> Cheers,
> Vern
> --
Andrew N. Harrington
 Director of Academic Programs
 Computer Science Department
 Loyola University Chicago
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