kirby urner wrote:

Unfortunately, our grand plans have been stalled for lack of a volunteer web
programmer who can finish the hardest part of the job - the last 10%.  We
are considering applying for a grant, so we can hire a professional.  I wish
I had more time.  Google App Engine, Django, Web2py... it all looks very

You've considered making it an open source project?  Or is it already?

It is open source, and the problem we are facing is precisely because it is open source (i.e. unpaid). With rare exceptions, open-source project involving more than one developer don't get finished. The fun parts get done, but not the tedious parts. We've tried to give our volunteer web programmers a "starring role" on our about page, but actually it's the teachers who will get most of the credit and who will make the key decisions on content. It's hard to motivate a volunteer web programmer in this situation. Hence, we are considering a departure from the open-source ideal, and just paying someone to get the job done.

PyWhip will have the ability for a teacher customize everything - problem
sets, help files, whatever is needed for a particular group of students.
 When a student logs in, he will see exactly what his teacher intends him to
see.  The help files referenced above may be too brief for high school
students.  My target audience is technical professionals who already know
how to write a program, perhaps in BASIC.  I encourage others to submit
alternatives better suited to whatever background your students may have.


I hope we don't get too hung up on Objects First versus Objects Later,
as I think the situation on the ground is always going to be somewhat

From the examples you have given, I think there is not much difference between us. Its just that our terminology is confusing. I may have contributed to that confusion in our earlier discussion of OOP. I felt I had to jump in on this thread when it looked like you thought I was suggesting MRO would be a good topic in an introductory course.

When I hear Objects First, I think of an over-reaction which occurred because we had to break some old habits and force students to do something that was initially difficult. Now that we have languages that allow an easy and natural approach to objects, we need no special emphasis on Objects First. We don't need Objects Only languages to force students to use objects.

When I hear Object Oriented Programming, I think of something much more difficult than the examples you have shown, something that might even get into the intricacies of MRO, something that is normally taught to CS majors in a full semester in the third year of college. If it is just *using* objects in a natural way, I think everyone agrees that is a fine way to introduce programming. If it is a little more than that (as I think you intend) that is OK also, even if it not what I would do. When students log on to, they will see exactly what you want them to see.

-- Dave

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