On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 19:33, kirby urner <kirby.ur...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I briefly blogged about our meeting last night.
> http://mybizmo.blogspot.com/2010/02/learning-on-line.html

Thank you.

> I posted Ed Cherlin's Chinese + Arabic sig

Japanese/Urdu in language, but you are correct as to writing system.

> as a test of the unicode
> interface, even though he couldn't find Elluminate for his distro, so
> had to bail.
> Maria D. did a good job of hosting, and we were graced with the
> presence of one of the Great Lambda heavyweights, Peter Henderson.
> http://www.math-in-cs.org/

I am a great admirer of the tribe and the languages, although I also
enjoy the UnLambda language.

> The Great Lambda worshipers are a tribe to our north, inherit through
> LISP, LOGO and Scheme, although that middle language donated its
> turtle to the OO camp, also working in Ruby right?

And in Turtle Art, written in Python, on Sugar.

> http://www.rubyquiz.com/quiz104.html
> http://blog.notahat.com/posts/4
> Re:  "Great Lambda worshipers":  talking about the functional
> programming camp, not wanting to pollute thinking like a mathematician
> with the "mutable variables" of the computer scientists.

There are many kinds of mathematician. I worked a bit with Ken Iverson
of APL and J fame on how to add combinatory logic abstraction to J and
other languages, and published a paper on it. J supports several
flavors of Computer Science and math, including FP, OO, and
traditional APL.

> Python has "little lambda" (a token lambda).
> We seemed pretty much in agreement during this meeting that Computer
> Science is going away as a high school discipline, leaving only
> Mathematics (cite:  death of CS AP test, only a pale shadow of its
> former self).

I am working on Third Grade CS, in Turtle Art and Smalltalk.

> The only question seems to be whether folding CS into Math means
> keeping some programming, or going with the New Zealand unplugged
> route (CS on paper).
> I'm not sure even New Zealand is going the NZ unplugged route.  Nat
> Torkington has a say:
> http://nathan.torkington.com/
> Lets see how students "vote with their feet" on that one, i.e. it's
> not entirely up to the teachers.

Amen, brothers and sisters. That's my greatest hope for giving
children Internet access on XOs, that we will be able to hear from
them, and they will be able to hear from each other in numbers for the
first time.

> Kirby
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Edward Mokurai (默雷/धर्ममेघशब्दगर्ज/دھرممیگھشبدگر ج) Cherlin
Silent Thunder is my name, and Children are my nation.
The Cosmos is my dwelling place, the Truth my destination.
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