Hi Brian,

I think both approaches (with or without graphics) are popular. I'm a grad
student and TA many different introductory courses, and I prefer teaching
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) with a graphics package.

You can see what I use at the OCW site for one of my classes, 6.189 -
you're welcome to use any of the material there, and I will provide
solution files upon request. Homework 4, as well as projects 2 & 3, utilize
a *very *simplified graphics package based off of TK. I use this package
because I teach this course in 3 weeks and don't want to delve into tk
stuff whatsoever; the point of using graphics, for us, is to introduce OOP
in a more concrete way. It's easy to grasp what an object is when you're
dealing with physical circles, squares, etc. However in a semester- or
year- long course I think it would be wonderful to introduce some form of
real graphics package; you're not going to go wrong teaching any of them,
imho. I'm a fan of tk, but that's simply because it's what our lab and
courses here use.

>From a students' perspective, when I was learning programming, the
graphical projects I did to learn Java (my third language) are far more
memorable than the mathematical/from-a-textbook psets for my first
languages (python and perl). I was so excited to show my Java projects to
my parents (when we do the Tetris project in 6.189, the most-asked question
is "how can I explain how to install Python to my parents, so I can email
my project to them?")

Many of my students have gone on to do extra projects with PyGame and have
loved that, as well.

Good luck!

On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 11:58 AM, Brian Wilkinson

> Hello everyone,****
> ** **
> Our upper school, looking to beef up their technology offerings, offered
> an introductory programming course this year using Python.  I am normally a
> technology coordinator, supporting teachers and students, but was tapped to
> teach this class (which I have thoroughly enjoyed so far).  The purpose of
> this course is to try and get kids excited about programming and so I would
> like to teach them a bit about graphics and GUI’s.  My initial thought was
> just to have them work with tkinter, as that (to me) seems the easiest
> path.  After doing some reading, it looks as though wxPython and pyQt are
> popular options as well.****
> ** **
> So finally to the questions:****
> ** **
> 1) Is teaching basic graphics too ambitious for an introductory course?***
> *
> 2) If the answer to #1 is no, do folks out there have suggestions for the
> best tool to use with the students?****
> ** **
> I have enjoyed reading this group this year.  It has been a big help.****
> ** **
> Brian Wilkinson****
> Sandy Spring Friends School****
> Technology Resource Coordinator****
> ** **
> “When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, *however
> improbable*, must be the truth.”****
> ** **
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