On the other hand,
     res_dict[ext] = res_dict.get(ext, 0) + 1

Isn't this at least as readable, and conceptually simpler?

    if ext in res_dict:
        res_dict[ext] += 1
else: res_dict[ext] = 1

I haven't done much coding in Python lately. And I found this much more readable than the .get method which I forgot about. I positively didn't understand the oneliner just by reading it over and over again.

Of course I could easily have opened idle and looked up the .get method online (or looked in a manual).

The really good thing about Python is that so much of the core language doesn't surprise you. One is able to write code which is understandable even to people with very little experience or to yourself after not coding in Python for years. Nobody has to write such clear-cut code all the time, but at least it is possible with very little effort.

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