Hi all,

I just wanted to let you know about a very open Python MOOC I am doing over the 
next 10 weeks.   It is a little different than other MOOCs in that everything 
is open and reusable/remix-able materials.  

It is based on my book "Python for Informatics: Exploring Information".  It is 
derived from Alan Downey's + Jeff Elkner's Think Python book with a switch form 
a math-focus to more of a data-focus.

I am doing an experiment where I am mixing 70 of my on-campus students with 
about 220 open-enrollment students in the same learning environment.  I hope 
the things I am building like an auto-grader based on Brad Miller's Skulpt in 
browser Python environment can be helpful to other teachers.

I figured I would let the edu-sig folks know about the course.


Folks can still join the course until early February and I have a playground 
space that is always open for folks to watch lectures and play with the 

Comments welcome.

Charles Severance
University of Michigan
Edu-sig mailing list

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