In a message of Mon, 24 Nov 2014 11:48:45 -0400, Andre Roberge writes:
>On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 11:41 AM, Christian Mascher <
>> wrote:
>>  Hi,
>>  I went there in a recent chrome on a laptop with a fairly small screen and
>>> there are some rendering issues that make some of the controls unusable.
>> I noticed the same with Nexus 7 (android) and firefox. On the desktop Ctrl
>> + - usually makes things smaller and thus fit onto the screen (esp. editor
>> right next to the world, so the controls below the world are visible), but
>> on the android tablet that didn't help.
>> These tablets are just to small for all the information and even firefox
>> is different compared to its desktop version.
>>From the beginning, my thinking was that anyone interested in doing some
>programming was going to use either a deskop or laptop with proper
>keyboard, etc., and thus a reasonably sized screen.
>Should I review this basic hypothesis?  If so, does anyone have an idea as
>to what minimum screen size I should be aiming to support?  I'm not ever
>planning to target tiny screens for smartphones and the like ... but if
>only relatively small adjustements are needed to support "typical" tablets,
>I could look into it.

Children all over Sweden are getting ipads, ruggardized from the school
districts.  They are 240 x 170 mm, and apple has done a very good job of
convincing education officials that this is where the 'computer literacy'
money should be spent.  Some schools are bucking the trend and using Android
tablets instead.  They are typically '10 inch' screen but some '7 inch
screens' as well are being used.  The android market is fragmented, so what
a 10-inch screen really is, width and height-wise varies, as long as 10 inches
is on the diagonal, that is what they will call it.

And the current trend in cellphones is to grow them like crazy, so the
flagship models of a great many popular brands now support 6.5 inch screens.
(Indeed, it is a bit of a chore to find a very fast phone with a smaller
screen.  Since I already own a 7-inch android tablet, I would like things
much better if my phone could just stay a phone, and go back to the battery
length times we had before we had smartphones ....)  But I disgress.

At any rate, for use around here ipad support would be required, and if you
got things to work with a 7-inch screen a whole lot of other people would
be happy.

But that's just here ...

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