On Thu, Jan 8, 2015 at 2:54 PM, kirby urner <kirby.ur...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I don't understand "bring it back on-line".  Is edu-sig off-line in some
> way currently?

When the people organizing Pycon's Education Summit can not post
information about said Summit to edu-sig, I'd say that it is broken.

> I have noticed no interruption in service.
> That's why I'm not calling for some shake up in list ownership.  We've had
> pretty smooth sailing, not counting the usual snits about topics.

Tim Wilson has indicated that he requested to be removed years ago as
maintainer of this list, and the email wil...@visi.com, which is associated
with the owner of that list, is no longer valid.

So, once again, I'd say that it is broken as no one is currently
administrating it.  Kudos to Jeff for volunteering to assume this "burden"!


> Kirby
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