Per tweets (@4DsolutionsPDX) I'm advocating
Oregon high school (Silicon Forest) computer math
(the subject) include Vector, Polyhedron and
Permutation types, as a starting place.

Python is not assumed but is a reference language
for some of us Silicon Foresters [0].  I've long had
all the necessary demo software at cp4e.html and
other places, but then the Vaults of Parnassus are
vast (speaking figuratively, not about any specific
cheese shop) so in terms of demos, we're not short
on supplies.

My suggestion is not that people use my Python
code directly (though I make it available), but see
these as the types of object anyone might build
just to see how they tick.  Then swap them around
and use many versions, what open free software is
all about.

This Jupyter Notebook [1], hacked out yesterday,
prototypes some of the lambda calc track I sketch
out in my video [2] i.e. we'll be traversing a different
patch than the calculus continuous math vista. This
is a whole new way to earn math credit.

Teachers will find it inspiring to be able to innovate
in a space largely open for green field development,
though we'll pull from the college-level literature.

'Mathematics for the Digital Age' traverses this new
territory, as do the pages on crypto at my teaching

The Vector, Polyhedron and Permutation are each
"hour of code" type types, meaning we get through
the essentials in an hour or less and then turn to
using them as instances in our applications.


(Notes from a Silicon Forester: more regional
and autobiographical)

[1]  (a shortened version of
the above or role your own -- also consider using
nbviewer option vs. direct to github, though for
this particular notebook the differences currently
won't matter.

[2]  (118 views
as of this morning, mostly aimed at high school
math teachers in Oregon, whom I'm reaching in
greater numbers thanks to Measure 97 (whether
voted up or down, the organizing is re-making
the state on many levels).

[3] over 15 years old by now:
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