Wes, your posts remind me of del.icio.us, the
shared bookmark service. Is that still used?
The Wikipedia page as of today seems
uncertain.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delicious_(website)
I see the website.  Seems like we could mine
it without signing in before?  This page has
no explanation.  Why would anyone sign up
for anything that opaque?

I feel we do too little with bookmarks e.g. what
web pages or services suck stuff from History
and/or Bookmarks and bring it into the DOM
itself, for whatever reason?  Is there an API
for that?

Maybe bookmarks should be more like a queue,
with smart algorithms suggesting we get back
to them, helping us prioritize.  Bookmarks aren't
"aggressive" enough?

Tagging and sharing. Graphing...

More engines that run little "virtual networks"
(network = polyhedron (considered in wireframe)),
that we can pass around.  Little "virtual webs"
that frame existing web pages?  You're free
to jump into them, but just as free to use an
alternative / framing link surface.  Food for

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