On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 10:25 PM, René Dudfield <ren...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> as part of the move of the pygame (pygame.org) project repository to
> github we received feedback that github doesn't allow children who have
> been given consent by their parents to participate.
> This concerns Germany, and I guess Europe (but I don't know the details).
> Here is the report on our mailing list from someone involved in an
> educational organisation in Germany that teaches children python.
> Apparently they introduce kids to python, and even have some of them
> contributing to free and open source software projects they are interested
> in.
> http://archives.seul.org/pygame/users/Mar-2017/msg00164.html
> Since I agree with the Python community Code of Conduct that people should
> not be excluded, this is an issue for us. I was wondering if anyone on the
> EDU-sig knows about this, or if anyone can give us guidance?

I searched for "github chldren policy":


You must be age 13 or older. While we are thrilled to see brilliant young
> coders get excited by learning to program, we must comply with United
> States law. GitHub does not target our Service to children under 13, and we
> do not permit any Users under 13 on our Service. If we learn of any User
> under the age of 13, we will terminate that User’s account immediately. If
> you are a resident of a country outside the United States, your country’s
> minimum age may be older; in such a case, you are responsible for complying
> with your country’s laws.

You can/could somewhat sidestep the issue by locally hosting e.g.
GitLab CE (and Mattermost) in Docker containers managed by Kubernetes
as defined by a docker-compose.yml converted to Kubernetes resources;
and tying in with an external auth provider.

- https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/integration/omniauth.html#supported-providers
- https://github.com/westurner/wiki/wiki/bricklayer#docker-composeyml

> This is a delicate issue, and I don't think I have the ability to deal
> with this. Which is one of the reasons I'm asking for help.



If you're a child under the age of 13, you may not have an account on
> GitHub. GitHub does not knowingly collect information from or direct any of
> our content specifically to children under 13. If we learn or have reason
> to suspect that you are a user who is under the age of 13, we will
> unfortunately have to close your account. We don't want to discourage you
> from learning to code, but those are the rules. Please see our Terms of
> Service for information about account termination.


> If there are no solutions to pass on to this group,


GitLab will run on a RaspberryPi;

Mattermost will not:

Other cool things for local software development lab:

- https://github.com/jupyterhub/kubespawner
- http://doc.devpi.net/latest/
- https://wrdrd.com/docs/consulting/education-technology#readthedocs
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