The obvious answer is via Sage and SymPy, which will do differentiation and
integration symbolically to some degree.

However even plain old core Python helps in that students get a sense of
functions as top-level citizens. I'm not saying Python is alone in
providing this.

If the C language could be written:

function func(function f1, function f2):{ }

with type function both eaten and returned, then we could use C for this
kind of thing also.  (more on this
general topic)

The repl below (you may skip modal window) shows my latest slimmed down
version of Compose, something I introduce to the O'Reilly course as well.

Function type objects don't ordinarily multiply but what if we want to
write h = f * g instead of h(x) = f(g(x)).

For one thing, why mention x at this point (the argument object) as we're
simply defining a function, not calling it with an input right?

The Compose class is just the ticket, swallowing and wrapping a function
with a __mul__ API. Now * is your compose operator.  Or use __matmul__ for
@ symbol.

Note then, the use of Compose as a class decorator to the same end.

Feel free to recycle this animal in your own lesson plans.  MIT license or


PS:  one of the Pycon keynotes was about the affordability of nuke energy,
with the claim / calculation that it's less risky to workers than coal.  I
didn't have time to go up to the podium after and listen in on the
conversation. We should have started a BOF.  Simulating / modeling risk is
something I'm into through CERM Academy.  We could start a thread on
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