On Thu, Aug 17, 2017 at 1:57 PM, Sebastian Silva <sebast...@fuentelibre.org>

> On 17/08/17 11:36, Andre Roberge wrote:
> ...
> I appreciate reeborg and currently wasn't considering using it because I
> was looking for a production-capable coding experience, but your post about
> reeborg certainly has inspired a lot of thought in me about how to simplify
> the earliest experiences.

Reeborg's world is powered by Brython, which aims to be fully Python 3
compatible.  Users can save their own programs locally (i.e. on their own
computers).  I plan to show how to write at least one game using it.  It
includes access to most of Python's standard library.  I definitely
consider it a tool enabling users to write their own programs, going well
beyond the little robot world.

> Recently this research opened my mind about leapfrogging English as a
> barrier to entry for computational thinking altogether:
> https://mako.cc/copyrighteous/scratch-localization-and-learning

That article talks about using visualized Block-based programming
environments, with localization (human language) included.  Reeborg's World
includes this already, for three languages (English, French and Korean).

I have decided to limit the full localization to the blocks only, so that
students can 1) use this as a bridge, if needed, and 2) be able to learn a
"real" programming language as soon as possible, without having to
"unlearn" non-existent keywords when leaving the visual block environment
... with repeat being the only exception to this rule.

> I'm working with children with almost zero exposure to English and since
> we are already using transpilers... I think it could help.

I completely agree.

> `repeat` - I think this is great, to be able to teach loops before
> teaching variables... :-) There should be a PEP about it.

I suggested the idea on the Python-ideas list and was quickly shut down by
everyone , including Guido van Rossum himself.  So, unfortunately, there
will not be a PEP about this.


> I'll be looking forward to contribute and cross-pollinate with my own
> libre entry into the edu-ide field, Jappy: https://github.com/
> somosazucar/Jappy

It looks very interesting.  From my own experience with Reeborg's World
(and its desktop precursor, rur-ple), I would suggest that having it
running on some dedicated website, instead of requiring users to download
it to try it themselves, might be useful in having more people trying it



> Regards,
> Sebastian
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