Sticking my nose in where it don't belong. ;-) But that's never stopped me
before. ;-)

First "I are not a teacher". At least, not in any formal sense of the word.
Second, some would say "I are not a programmer". I don't listen to those

In spite of the common "in computer graphics Y goes down", does that make
sense to new learners? I've gotten used to various coordinate systems, but
the first time I had to work with graph paper and plotting (and, for that
matter, maps) one goes "up" ("north", "forward") for Y. Then again, maybe
the average learner isn't quite as flexible these days, and telling them
after they've gotten used to a system that they have to flip everything
upside down and backwards isn't a great idea. I attribute my own
flexibility not to any innate ability but rather to learning during a time
when architectures OS's and languages were changing fast enough that there
wasn't time to become set in one's ways.

​[Note: Grammatical "mistakes" above are meant as weak -- very weak --
humor. At least, most are.]​
*Kevin Cole*
NOVA Web Development Co-Op
Arlington, VA
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