Thanks for jumping in David.

I concur, the Excel environment is a productive "home base" for deriving
the visualizations and is in many cases is sufficient.

In the Office model, one is then expected to embed said visualizations in a
Word document, perhaps exporting to PDF, if wanting to add more verbiage
and/or make it more journal article or textbook like. [1]

In your type of advocacy work, maybe getting the visualizations is
sufficient, and indeed, the final step from Jupyter Notebook to a PDF
version is sometimes the trickiest, when it comes to page breaks especially.

Here's a Notebook in the same ballpark, dealing with the half life of
naturally occurring and/or artificially generated radioactive substances:

This is the classic synergy of Jupyter + pandas + matplotlib, the kind of
thing I've been teaching through a Turkey-based company. [2]

I don't see it as either / or, and true, Jupyter might be the wrong tool in
many instances. I wonder if you've had a chance to play with pandas inside
of Excel. I know Microsoft has added that.

I've yet to try it out (currently, I don't have a computer with Office at
my fingertips).


PS: in my previous post I had a typo buried in the most mathy part, which
I've since fixed on Github.

(Atlantic has implemented more of a firewall then previously -- the article
is about Wolfram's Mathematica as well as Jupyter)


On Thu, Jan 25, 2024 at 1:18 PM David MacQuigg <> wrote:

> Hello Kirby
> Jupyter is excellent, but I still wish there was a simple built-in
> charting tool in Python. Jupyter is like Sketchup, a tool I use once a
> year, but not enough to justify keeping up on it.
> My work now is focused on nuclear power
> <>, and educating
> journalists who might break with the mainstream and need a good summary of
> facts and arguments. That occasionally requires me to make a quick
> calculation and plot, and I find myself using Google Sheets instead of
> Python. Here is an example on Separative Work Units, the fundamental
> measure of cost in uranium enrichment. Once you get the calculation worked
> out, the plot is just a few more clicks.
> David MacQuigg, PhD
> Engineering Editor, Citizendium
> 520-721-4583
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