Hi Mauricio,

On Wed, 2005-11-30 at 12:46 -0300, Mauricio Hernandez wrote:
> i may be wrong but IMHO, we hardly cover such issues on 1 hour weekly
> meeting, don't we?
>     *    Technical
>           o Progress over past week
>           o Issues/ Blocks
>           o Planned Activities for coming week
>     *     Documentation
>           o Progress over past week
>           o Issues/ Blocks
>           o  Planned Activities for coming week
>     *     Art Work
>           o Progress over past week
>           o Issues/ Blocks
>           o Planned Activities for coming week
>     *      Management and or Community - any further issues that need
> to be discussed. These may be tabled in advance as required.
> How could we successfully cover those good points?

My 2c...

1) We need to keep the meeting format a little tighter (less general

2) We need to have updated prepared in advance - as per the Ubuntu
dapper Status Update meeting. This makes the update post quicker and
allows for a brief on topic discussion as necessary afterwards. If a
long discussion is required, like Drupal vs Moin. This should be
deferred to a separate meeting, or for discussion at the end of the
meeting, or to the mailing list.

3) We also need to keep focused on the goal of this meeting which is
really a Dapper Development Status meeting. Post Dapper topics and nice
to haves etc should be discusses in the #edubuntu channel outside the

I think one problem is many of the people are only around for the 1 hr
per week of the meeting, so it is becoming a bit of a chance to
socialise, we need to try to be disciplined about not chattering too

4) Each of the key areas (Tech, Doc, Artwork) should have an owner who
will represent that area for the week, this doesn't have to be the same
person each week, but they should arrive prepared.

5)I also need to try to get my ADSL line not to rest at the crucial time
as the meeting starts!

Anything else?


Jane Weideman
mobile: +27 83 779 7800
Canonical Ltd.

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