Am Mittwoch, den 18.01.2006, 09:32 -0800 schrieb Corey Burger:
> > Dasher is a resource pig. On my home machine, it eats all of my CPU
> > and a good chunk of memory, so not ideal for a thin client.
that doesnt matter for the thin client at all, in ltsp *all* apps run on
the server.
> >
> > That being said, it is a very cool thing and if they ever solve the
> > resource issue (not likely, due to all the processing they have to
> > do),  it would make sense.
i ran it on my ipaq as input tool around 1999/2000 when it was part of
gpe and familiar linux, it was later adopted by a11y people, i wouldnt
want to upset upstream by making a "game" of it and i refuse to have two
app entries for the same app in the menu ... lets include it as is if
there is a broad agreement, but lets not put it into the games


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