Hello edubuntu world,

A little later than the other Ubuntu flavours as usual, the Edubuntu
team is happy to announce the third milestone CD image in the Dapper
development cycle.


United Kingdom, and the rest of the world:

Please download using BitTorrent if possible, and see
http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive for other mirrors.

Apart from the notable changes in this release that apply to all Ubuntu
flavours, noted in:
the following additional enhancements have gone into this CD images:

         - Support for Sound on LTSP clients. Sound can now be played
        separately on each client, and does not play centrally on the
        server anymore.
        - Edubuntu specific artwork is now visible, although this will
        still refined and amended before the actual release.
        - Small improvements in Support for multiple architectures for 
        the LTSP clients. (see the flight 2 announcement for more 
        - Small improvements for  faster boot process of the thin 

Known issues (beyond the ones stated in the Ubuntu flight 3 announcement
linked above):

        - All CDs failed test installs due to a locales issue -this was 
        worked around by dropping postgresql temporary to make the 
        install finish, if you need the SQL engine, please install it 
        - The PowerPC liveCD is currently broken for ubuntu as a whole,
        the PowerPC install CD also still fails during LTSP setup in the
        install, please skip this step and go on with the install as
        usual (or use the workstation variant)
        - Due to a problem with the locale settings paired with a bug
        in bringing up the network interfaces, the install still fails 
        in languages  other than English. If your system is connected 
        to the Internet, please use the Language Selector after 
        installation to download language packs.

If you are interested in following changes as we further develop Dapper,
have a look at the dapper-changes list:


We also suggest that you subscribe to the ubuntu-devel-announce list if
you are interested in following Ubuntu development. This is a
list (a few posts a week) carrying announcements of approved
specifications, policy changes, alpha releases, and other interesting
events. Future Flight CD announcements may only go to this list.


The Testing area of the wiki suggests various tests that can be
performed on Flight CD releases to try to catch bugs so that 
they can be fixed before for the final release:


Bug reports should go to the newly implemented Launchpad bug tracking
facility called Malone:


Have fun with testing and bugfiling,

Oliver Grawert

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