Am Samstag, den 28.01.2006, 15:40 +0100 schrieb Edward Holcroft: 
> >> I am with the HP i-community in South Africa and tried installing
> >> edubuntu today. It installs fine on my server but thin client
> >> workstations boot up till grey graphical screen with an X cursor and
> >> hangs there, can't ctrl-alt-backspace etc. Any help?
> > did you follow the install notes ?
> > https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuInstallNotes
> This page will not help specifically with the "gray screen of death".
...which you only get if you installed ltsp from ltsp.org, which in turn
means you broke your edubuntu installation completely ...

i tried to point out that you only have to do one step to set up
edubuntus ltsp (as described in the installnotes and linked pages) and
should not additionally install ltsp.org packages.

indeed the ltsp.org link will help to solve the particular issue with
the install of the classic ltsp 4.1, but the user has an unsupportable
setup with unpredictable effects due to the fact of two different ltsp
installs running on the system.


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