Kevin Cole wrote:
Herman Bos wrote:
I would suggest a chapter on which thinclients an be used. Fancy ones,
normal PC's old computer junk. Differences between PXE and Etherboot.
Possibilities when machines don't have network bootable cards (Using
bootCDrom with bootrom, etc.).

Sure.  I think it should open in the most general terms, then get more
specific.  I'd steer away from specific brand names as much as possible.
(If necessary, point to a separate page outside of the cookbook proper,
like perhaps one of the existing hardware compatibility pages, and then
try to populate that page with specific brand thin-client info.)
Its not brand related. PXE is basicly on all the new stuff. Etherboot on the old junk, But you need a bootrom on the networkcard. For various reasons you could consider a bootcd with bootrom to start the thinclient. But I don't know where you would want to file this stuff (explaination, ways to get it working). Its not really a hardware requirement.
I guess you could file it under Hardware requirements, and divide that
chapter in a client part and a server part. But I don't think real
instructions for the above are not really suited there.

Hardware requirements would seem to be the logical place, I agree.

I don't mind to write Hardware Requirement part and if you want I can
write some side-dishes (or whatever you would call that): Stuff thats
normally not needed but might be useful based on actual experience of
real world edubuntu use. For example a way to manage windows software
(with wine) systemwide.

Side dishes!  I like it.  (And "wine" makes an interesting pun on its

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