Hi Allie!

It is great to hear that Ubuntu/Edubuntu is meeting your needs, and wonderful that you 
are interested in contributing.  We have a community generated resource called the 
"Edubuntu Cookbook":


The Cookbook is just waiting for "recipes" on the effective use of KVocTrain and KMplot.  
The natural place to put that would be the "Main Courses" section.

Kevin Cole (whom I cc'd this message) and I would be glad to help you.
Welcome to the Edubuntu community!

jeff elkner

On Sun, 5 Mar 2006 18:46:54 -0800 (PST), Allie Kallo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello All.
I am a newbie to ubuntu...and I love it.  I had been
using Breezy for about 2 months, and this weekend
upgraded to Dapper and added the edubuntu programs
(with the help of my wonderful geek husband).

I have been looking at the educatainment programs.  I
am very impressed by most.  However, I thought some
(KVocTrain & KMplot,notably) would benifit from more
documentation or a tutorial.  Can I contribute to the
community by working on this?  If so, is there a
person I should get in touch with?

The Edubuntu platform is amazing.  As an educator, I
see all sorts of potential for its use in local

Thank you for working on this community project!
Allison Kallo

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