Oliver Grawert wrote:
2. The memory usage after boot is great- just about 32MB. With the
average amount of software (OOo, firefox, etc), it goes up to about
37MB. If I open as much as I can and try to trash the system, it goes up
to more or less 42MB. Does this mean that the spec for the 32MB thin
client usage will mean that the initial memory usage of the thin client
will be 32MB, or should it be less than that at boot and increase when
opening more programs?
3. https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuLtsConfParams reports that
SWAP_SERVER is implemented, but not tested. How would I configure this?
With just a SWAP_SERVER = in the lts.conf file? The above
RAM usage should be fine on a 32MB computer, if it can swap to the
server. 10MB is very easy to swap out over the network.

even with ltsp 4.1 you wont start any app on a thin client without
swapserver, its able to boot, but logging in and starting firefoxx willl
kill the machine ... if you set up the nbd-server package on the server
and point the client to it (setting SWAP_SERVER and NBD_PORT in your
lts.conf) it should just work ...
anyway, i want to improve the situation in dapper+1, see:

I think than Jonathan talk about usage of large software on the server side but (I don't now why) with little effect (10Mo) on the client side.

4. The new Intel server boards have a strange "feature", where there's
some kind of a gap between 3GB and 4GB RAM. This means that, if have 4GB
RAM installed (typical for LTSP servers), you will only be able to see
the first 3GB, and would need to install a kernel that supports 64GB RAM
to see the full 4GB. Would it be possible to ship Edubuntu with a kernal
for support for 64GB RAM? And what about SMP support? Does Edubuntu do
that would mean to drop support for i386 generic from the CD (since we
can only ship one kernel package) which indeed would break many clients
that are not 686 standard (we use the same kernel for client and server
on install) i was planning to put a little section into the docs
describing how and why to get a 686-smp kernel

It's not a kernel problem, with an 686 or even with an x86_64bits kernel you'll see about 3.2 GB with 4 GB installed. In fact lot of manual of motherboard write this limitation, for example in the ASUS A8S-X (recent mobo) you can read :

"Due to chipset resource allocation, the system may detect less than 4GB of system memory when you installed four 1GB DDR memory modules."

Other thing, for debug client purpose, can you recall to me (or to all) howto validate a root text session on the client ? only with option in lts.conf ?

heh, me as well ... i havent seen *anything* yet :)

thanks for this wonderful feedback, its really appreciated :)


[1] http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/LTSPManager/
Thanks again for all


Jean-François CLEMENT
I.3.S - LaTIM Inserm U650
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