We've just returned home from the CUE.org (Computer Using Educators)
show in Palm Springs, California--where Open Source "took the show by
storm..." (an inside joke for those at the show, given the incredible
wind storm on Thursday night and the snowstorm Saturday!).

But certainly having 75 computers running Open Source software was a
significant event, and our "Open Source Pavilion" was considered a
great success by all involved, especially the show organizers. As part
of a plan both to showcase Open Source software, and to simplify the
show's evaluation process, the Open Source Pavilion was used as the
exclusive evaluation area during the last part of the show, where
attendees filled out an online evaluation and then received a show
t-shirt in return. The show organizers had used words like "chaos" and
"madness" to describe the frenzied hordes that would descend and do
anything for a free t-shirt, but using the Open Source Pavilion turned
out to provide a fast, streamlined, and calm experience for all

The Open Source Pavilion was also host to eight presentations on Open
Source software (see www.cue.org/conference/opensource), three of
which (two on moodle, one on blogging and podcasting) attracted crowds
so large that even bringing in more chairs could not accommodate all
who wanted to attend. In a significant move, our Open Source sessions
were listed in the general conference brochure along with all the
other sessions, and our visibility was quite high, as we were
mentioned by several of the regular speakers in their talks.

We ran 32 laptops with our EZWebPC software (a CD-based Linux
operating system that just runs a web browser) in an "email garden"
formation with access to a printer. The laptops, used IBM's with no
hard drives and generously provided by Computers & Education
(http://www.crc.org/info/index.html), were frequently in heavy use and
appreciated by many. We then ran 43 old desktop Dell Optiplexes in a
lab/lecture setting, each converted to thin-client use and booting
from our "NetBooter" device. These thin clients then connected with
either of two Linux servers, one running Fedora Core, and the other
running Ubuntu. It was quite something to have 75 stable, reliable
computers set up and running in such quick fashion.

At our hosting tables in the Pavilion we had available free copies of
the OpenCD and Ubuntu, and lots of reading material. Many participants
had lots of questions, and some few said that they only came to the
show to see our Pavilion. We've been asked to provide a similar
(although not quite so expansive) area at the NECC 2006 show in San
Diego in July, where our speakers will also be included in the general
program bulletin. As well, CUE.org wanted to make sure we could come
back next year. (Which will be a lot easier, now that we have all the
ethernet cabling built!) All in all, a good showing!

Also: I was part of an interview on Open Source software in schools
during the show, a webcast of which can be found at

Steve Hargadon
916-899-1400 direct

www.K12Computers.com - (Refurbished Dell Optiplexes for Schools)
www.TechnologyRescue.com - (Linux Thin Client Solutions)
www.LiveKiosk.com - (Free WebStation Software)
www.PublicWebStations.com - (Disaster & Shelter WebStation Software)
www.SteveHargadon.com - (Blog on Technology, Education, & Computer Reuse)
www.K12OpenSource.com - (Blog on Free and Open Source Software in Schools)

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