Hi Steve

On Tue, 2006-04-25 at 09:00 -0700, Steve Hargadon wrote:
> I'm interested in knowing who is blogging on the topic of Free and
> Open Source Software in education, even if it's not the primary focus
> of their blog.  I'm trying to list them on my blog's sidebar, and also to
> capture their FOSS posts and related news stories into a single feed.
> If you are aware of any, could you email them to me?

Sure, I have some on my planet, <http://friends.jonathancarter.co.za>,
you can just leach them off the sidebar there. There should also be
quite a bunch you can get from Ubuntu Planet, <http://planet.ubuntu.com>
and from other planets listed at Planet Planet
<http://www.planetplanet.org/>. I saw your comments about blogging in
the technology rescue newsletter... nice.


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