Hi James

On Wed, 2006-05-03 at 11:20 -0600, James Call wrote:
> I looked for a searchable archive for this list and I can't find
> anything.  I think it would be a good idea to put a link to it on
> edubuntu.org.  I have been able to find solutions for most of my
> problems at ubuntuforums.org by searching and I think the same thing
> would be great for us with edubuntu.

The list archives are available from the mailman archive page:

Although it's not very searchable :/

We're working on better documentation for LTSP, it's quite important and
will all be available on the website. I agree that more information
about the mailing list is important too, I'll add it to the to-do
list :)

> Does someone have an example of a lts.conf that I could look at??

I have one you can look at: http://jonathancarter.co.za/files/lts.conf

Just ignore the mouse settings, it's invalid :)

> I have some compaqs, and some dells in our school lab and I want to
> configure xserver for the different video cards.  Can someone point me
> in the right direction?

In that example file I've pointed you at, you'll see something at the
bottom that looks like this:

  XSERVER = vesa

The section between the brackets is the workstation MAC address. You see this 
on the workstation while it boots up.

The second part is the display driver. "vesa" is a slow, clunky driver that 
should work on almost anything (good for testing), but you can specify many 
other display driver here too. If "auto" works, it's usually best to go with 


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