James Call wrote:

>I wonder if having a "success story" section on the edubuntu.org page
>might be useful for schools looking to convince their administrators.
>Here is a link with the story of our lab (so far)

Very nice!  We're still fleshing out our site but here's one of the
labs the DC LoCo has set up which can also be added to your success


The students here are JUST beginning. Many have never used a keyboard
or mouse before, and are still becoming comfortable via KDEedu apps,
games, etc.  However, I think we're moving into e-mail shortly, and
it may be fun to establish some pen pals to our south...

 Kevin Cole                    |  Key ID: 0xE6F332C7
 Ubuntu Linux DC LoCo Team     |     WWW: http://dc.ubuntu-us.org/
 Washington, D.C.  (USA)       |

 "Using vi is not a sin. It's a penance." -- St. IGNUcious, Church of Emacs

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