*International workshop: Affective states and Well-being *

14-15 November 2019

*Location *( https://goo.gl/maps/abduWNfpiMpzDhhX9 )

Maison des Sciences de l’Homme

4 rue Ledru, Clermont-Ferrand

Amphithéâtre 220

*Thursday November, 14th*

9H15-9H30: Welcome address

9H30-10H30: Daniel Haybron: *"Happiness and the Metaphysics of Affect"*

10H30-11H30: Julien Deonna & Fabrice Teroni: *“What’s Good In Emotions for
Those Who Have Them?”*

11H45-14H: Lunch Break

14H-15H: Mauro Rossi & Christine Tappolet: *“**Wellbeing as fitting

15H-16H: Samuel Lepine: *“Moods, happiness, and well-being”*

16H-16H30: Pause

16H30-17H30: Vincent Boyer: *“Justice, Emotion and Well-Being”*

*Friday November, 15th*

9H30-10H30: Anti Kauppinen : *“**Affective Valence and the Nature of

10H30-11H30: Magalie Schor: *“**A New Route Towards the Final Value of
Emotions for Well-Being”*

11H45-14H: Lunch Break

14H-15H: Stéphane Lemaire : *“Which pro-attitude for subjectivism about

15H-16H: Antonin Broi: *“How Do Affective States Contribute to Well-Being?
A Hedonistic Perspective”*

16H-16H30: Pause

16H30-17H30: Julien Claparède-Petitpierre : *“The cultural settings of
individual affectivity : integration and well-being”*

*Attendance is free and all are welcome !*

*Website: *

*Organising committee:* Julien Deonna (University of Geneva), Stéphane
Lemaire (University of Rennes), Samuel Lepine (UCA), & Fabrice Teroni
(University of Geneva)

*Contact:* samuel.lep...@gmail.com



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