Please circulate this announcement in your lab

March 25th 2020, 14h30-16h00
Salle de conférence, Institut de Biochimie et Génétique Cellulaires (IBGC), 

Miriam Solomon (Temple University, USA)

"Messy Pluralism in Psychiatry"

A PhilInBioMed seminar

Open to all
Miriam Solomon is Professor of Philosophy and Department Chair in the 
Department of Philosophy at Temple University.  She is also an Affiliated 
Professor of Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies and an Affiliated Professor 
in the Center for Bioethics, Urban Health, and Policy (Temple University School 
of Medicine).
Her research interests are in philosophy of science, philosophy of medicine, 
history of science, epistemology, gender and science and biomedical ethics.
I have argued that pluralism about methods and/or theories is good for science, 
because it can increase empirical success, but bad for scientific authority, 
because it hinders consensus. Psychiatry has been dominated by a single 
conceptual framework for the last forty years (the DSM framework and its close 
relative, ICD) and enjoyed considerable professional authority. Because of the 
“crisis of validity,” this dominance has recently given way to a pluralist 
situation in which several different approaches to disease nosology are being 
developed. In addition to the DSM framework, there is the RDoC program, the 
network approach, the HiTOP proposal, and others. My paper will explore the 
challenges and difficulties of working with pluralism in psychiatry, making 
constructive suggestions for future research.

Miriam Solomon will be available for individual discussions during her stay. If 
you are interested in talking to her, please write to

For more information click here.

Best regards,

Wiebke Bretting
Dr. Wiebke Bretting
Project Manager ERC IDEM
ImmunoConcEpT, UMR5164
Université de Bordeaux
146 rue Léo Saignat
33076 Bordeaux


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