Chères et chers collègues

Sami Pihlström
(Université d’Helsinki)

donnera deux conférences, qui complètent celles données lors de son invitation 
au département de philosophie de l’ENS (2019-2020). Elles peuvent être suivies 

Si le Professeur Pihlström reviendra pour quelques séances « en présentiel », 
lorsque les conditions seront plus clémentes, ces deux conférences auront lieu 
en visio et les liens vous seront envoyés la veille de chaque conférence, il 
suffit de renseigner le formulaire suivant : 

J’espère avoir le plaisir de vous y accueillir et reste à disposition pour 
toute question
bien cordialement
Mathias GIREL

23 novembre, 16-18h. James’s Children: Post-factualism as a Descendant of the 
Pragmatist Conception of Truth?

It has been suggested that postmodern relativist philosophers may be partly 
responsible for the emergence of what is today called the "post-truth" or 
"post-factualist" era. The role played by pragmatism as a background factor in 
this development should also be investigated. The worry that there might be 
something like a slippery slope from William James – via Richard Rorty – to 
Donald Trump's and his supporters' irresponsible post-factualism is to be taken 
seriously: are post-factualists “James’s children”, and if so, in what sense 

26 novembre 2020, 16-18h. Toward a Pragmatist Philosophy of the Humanities

This talk proposes that we should develop a comprehensive philosophy of the 
humanities, analogously to well-established fields such as the philosophy of 
social science, and argues that the pragmatist tradition provides uniquely 
promising resources for doing this. I will sketch important topics for 
pragmatist philosophy of the humanities in selected case study areas (i.e., 
philosophy of literary theory and criticism, philosophy of historiography, and 
philosophy of theology and religious studies) and will primarily focus on the 
problem of realism and truth concerning the objects of humanistic scholarship 
as a key issue for pragmatist philosophy of the humanities, arguing that a 
distinctively pragmatic form of realism can be formulated. 

Mathias Girel
Maitre de conférences, département de philosophie
Ecole normale supérieure - PSL 

* Directeur du Centre Cavaillès, USR République des Savoirs (CNRS-ENS-Collège 
de France).

*Directeur de l’UMS 3610 Centre d’archives en Philosophie, Histoire et Edition 
des Sciences (CAPHES, CNRS-ENS),


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