Cercle d’épistémologie économique
106-112 bd de l’Hôpital, 75647 PARIS CEDEX 13, FRANCE
tél: 01 44 07 82 37

Chers amis,

La prochaine séance du Cercle d’épistémologie économique aura  lieu, dans les 
circonstances actuelles, par zoom :

le jeudi 19 novembre 2020
de 18 heures à 20 heures

Marianne JOHNSON

(University of Wisconsin Oshkosh)
“Elinor Ostrom on Working Together (and Apart)”



Abstract: In this paper, I examine the strategies by which Elinor Ostrom carved 
out a successful career as a woman in the social sciences with a particular 
emphasis on her engagement with the discipline of economics. The methodology is 
guided by Ostrom’s work with small-N case studies. These case studies explore a 
single but complex community to draw generalizations about a larger whole. 
Levels of analysis include (i) individual behavioral choices, (ii) the micro 
(or community) situation, and (iii) the larger socio-ecological context. By 
considering such, we can see how Ostromsuccessfully leveraged collaboration, 
while still differentiating and protecting her work from appropriation. 
Identified individual strategies relate to her choice of co-authors, her 
balance of co-authored and sole publications, the large number of book chapters 
she chose to author. The intellectual community of the Ostrom Workshop is also 
examined, including its organization and outputs, how Ostrom ma
 naged to the Workshop to enhance co-production of research, and how the 
Workshop insulated Ostrom from broader systemic disciplinary discrimination. 
Last, I consider how Ostrom came to be the first woman to receive the Nobel 
Prize in Economic Sciences. 


Le lien zoom:

Sujet : Cercle d'épistémologie Marianne Johnson ; Heure : 19 nov. 2020 06:00 PM 


ID de réunion : 972 6176 9189 ; Code secret : 018970

Une seule touche sur l’appareil mobile : 
+33170379729,,97261769189#,,,,,,0#,,018970# France : 
+33170950103,,97261769189#,,,,,,0#,,018970# France

Composez un numéro en fonction de votre emplacement :  +33 1 7037 9729 France ; 
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1 7037 2246 France

ID de réunion : 972 6176 9189 ; Code secret : 018970

Trouvez votre numéro local : https://zoom.univ-paris1.fr/u/a8YRJ8OmO

Avec notre amitié,      

Annie L. Cot, Dorian Jullien, Jérôme Lallement

Annie L. Cot
Centre d'économie de la Sorbonne
Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne
Maison des sciences économiques
106-112, boulevard de l'Hôpital
75013 Paris

tél : 01 44 07 82 37
fax : 01 44 07 83 13



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