Chers toutes et tous,

Dans le cadre du projet ANR *Epancopi *portant sur "Les questions éthiques
de la pandémie de Covid-19 et leurs enjeux épistémologiques", le
Laboratoire Philosophie et Rationalités (PHIER - EA 3297) recrutera un ou
une post-doctorant-e pour une durée de onze à douze mois à partir de
février 2021 jusqu'à fin janvier 2022 (le contrat ne pouvant être prolongé
au-delà de ce terme), au sein de l’Université Clermont Auvergne à

Ce post-doctorat consistera pour une part à conduire des travaux de
recherches philosophiques originaux sur la pandémie de Covid-19 en rapport
avec les thématiques du projet, et pour une autre part à coordonner avec
les porteurs du projet un certain nombre d'événements : organisation d'un
colloque international, d'une publication collective, et mise en ligne
ponctuelle de contenus (sur un ratio approximatif de 70% pour les activités
de recherche et 30% pour les activités organisationnelles). Le salaire
minimum devrait se situer autour de 2100 euros nets/mois.

Le ou la candidat-e devra idéalement avoir une spécialisation en
épistémologie médicale, ou en éthique appliquée à la médecine, ou de façon
plus générale en philosophie des sciences de la vie. Il ou elle devra
également être en mesure de participer activement à l’organisation de la
vie du projet.

Pour candidater, merci de nous soumettre les documents suivants :

-          Un c*urriculum vitae*

-          Un projet de recherche de 1000 mots en rapport avec les
thématiques abordées dans le projet Epancopi (voir texte ci-dessous).

Les dossiers seront évalués à la fois sur la nature et la pertinence du
projet de recherche proposé ainsi qu’en fonction de l’adéquation du profil
du ou de la candidate avec les différents aspects du projet Epancopi.

La date limite pour soumettre une candidature est le *15 janvier 2021*.

Les dossiers doivent être transmis en version électronique à l'adresse
suivante: * <>*

Pour le projet Epancopi, les organisateurs,

Juliette Ferry-Danini, Cédric Paternotte, et Samuel Lepine


*Epancopi project : *« Ethical issues of the Covid-19 pandemic and their
epistemological aspects »

*Context of the proposal and state of the art:*

The Covid-19 pandemic brings out numerous ethical issues that are closely
related to epistemological ones: the ethics of clinical trials, of
decisions whether to quarantine regions or countries, of vaccination
policies or of case traceability. Indeed, it seems difficult to ask whether
these different practices are morally acceptable and justifiable without at
the same time questioning the scientific knowledge underlying them.
Clinical trials thus seem justified only in a situation of objective
uncertainty about the effectiveness of treatments, and the decision to
quarantine at least part of the population is a legitimate deprivation of
freedoms only if there are serious reasons to believe that this will have
an effect on the spread of the virus, which could not be obtained by simple
measures of physical distancing or hygiene. The question of who should
receive vaccines first depends on considerations concerning the populations
most at risk, but also on the modes of transmission of the virus. And the
question of the traceability of the virus depends on our capacity to
develop tracking devices that do not threaten the individual freedoms of
citizens. These few examples give an overview of the ethical questions that
have arisen so far since the start of the pandemic. They highlight how
intertwined ethical and epistemological issues are, and how our knowledge
of the disease intersects with our ability to implement measures likely to
contain the pandemic.

On all these points, it seems that French philosophical research has been
discreet until now. This discretion is first revealed by lack of
substantial French-language debates on some of the ethical issues of the
pandemic and on the different ways of tackling them. For instance, there is
no standard philosophical debate on whether we should defend (or contest)
the obligation to get vaccinated - an issue that soon will become all the
more crucial as France counts as one of the countries whose citizens are
the most resistant to vaccines (Wellcome, 2018). There is also no French
debate on the question of the necessary rationing of medical resources, in
contrast to the numerous concerns regarding the availability of beds in
intensive care units or of mechanical ventilators. There is a need for more
scholarly discussions about these issues in the French context.
Unfortunately, ethical research has been overshadowed in the public eye by
columns in major newspapers, which help maintain the picture of  philosophy
and ethics as essentially an essayist activity, which is widespread in
France, or as mere legal procedures.

However, there is currently a large number of papers on each of these
points in the English-speaking literature. The ethics of clinical trials,
especially in pandemic times, has been the subject of a rich literature
(Freedman 1978; London 2009, 2019; London & Kimmelman 2020). The rationing
of mechanical ventilators (Patrone & Resnik, 2011), of vaccines (Emanuel &
Wertheimer, 2006), and of antivirals (Arinaminpathy, N., Savulescu, J. &
Mclean, 2009) has been the subject of discussions for at least twenty years
in texts which have strived to anticipate the probable consequences of
future pandemics. Similarly, the obligation to get vaccinated has been
defended on the basis of numerous arguments (Giubilini, 2019; Giubilini &
Savulescu, 2019). Finally, containment has been the subject of recent
discussions, whether they legitimate (Bramble, 2020) or contest it on the
basis of the fragility of the scientific epidemiological models on which it
was based (Brennan, Surprenant & Winsberg, 2020), or even propose
modulations according to the populations most at risk (Savulescu & Cameron,
2020). We should be worried about this contrast between the existence of an
abundant English-speaking philosophical literature on questions of applied
ethics, and the near absence of French texts devoted to these questions. In
effect, this favours a damaging vacuum in the public debate, which should
ideally be focused on solid arguments.

The relative lack of French-speaking philosophical debates on the
covid-19-related ethical questions has unfortunately allowed
philosophically unqualified people to seize them in the public space; it
has also favoured the appearance of cavalier positions regarding the value
of randomized controlled clinical trials, or of the scientific method in
general (Raoult 2020). Such speeches have largely led to a form of mistrust
regarding official speeches about the reality of the pandemic, its social
effects, and the methods by which it may be countered. By interfering with
the reception of scientific data and by favouring a form of medical
conspiracy, these speeches have also had regrettable effects, in particular
by spreading the idea that Covid-19 is an unremarkable disease, against
which the distancing measures or the wearing of face masks might be too

Based on this assessment, the goal of this research project is clear: it
aims to gather a number of researchers whose speciality is epistemology,
applied ethics, and more generally philosophy of medicine and health, in
order to produce in the French-speaking literature a body of texts and
arguments likely to fuel a healthy public debate. In this regard, this
project falls fully within the “Social and economic dynamics, ethical
issues” theme of the AAP. In particular, it targets the “Ethics of research
and care and human rights" and "Representations, perceptions, attitudes,
behaviors relating to the epidemic " subthemes. In order to carry out this
project, we would intend, on the one hand, to organize an international
philosophical congress within the Université Clermont Auvergne (UCA) during
the month of June 2021, devoted to its general theme, which would then lead
to the publication of a collective work gathering the communications of the
speakers. At the same time, we plan to communicate regularly the results of
our work through a website, with texts, videos, and podcasts. On the other
hand, we would like to finance a postdoctoral position over a period of one
year within the UCA, which would be responsible for organizing this
website, the congress, and the publication of the papers, jointly with this
project’s primary investigator.

The goal of the congress, as well as the website, will be to focus on each
of these aspects of the pandemic in which ethical and epistemological
questions are closely connected. We shall address at least the topics
mentioned above, and particularly the ethics of clinical trials during a
pandemic, the rationing of medical resources, and the ethics of
vaccination, quarantine and tracing.

First, ethical and epistemological considerations should be situated in
context, here the French context and, more precisely, the French legal
context. Indeed, since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, several laws
have been implemented in order to tackle the crisis (see Pitcho, 2020;
Pitcho & Petkova, 2020). These “emergency” laws are closely related to
epistemological and ethical matters: they have explicitly impacted clinical
research and uses of medications outside evidence-based medicine. Doing so,
the French government seems to have implemented what has been called
“pandemic research exceptionalism” (London & Kimmelman, 2020), the idea
that a crisis justifies changing the rules of research and the rules of
ethics. Pandemic research exceptionalism is an issue that should be
discussed both at the epistemological and ethical levels. This is the most
crucial question regarding the ethics of clinical trials in a pandemic.
Although CNRS’s sections’ presidents have warned against research
exceptionalism in an open letter in the French journal *Libération[1]
scholarly discussion is needed in order to understand better what impact
research exceptionalism can have on medical research and clinical care.

The rationing of medical resources first requires that we know which
resources are particularly effective on which population. If we have to
distribute treatments which are becoming scarce, we need to know how to
optimize these treatments. But this raises another issue: is the
effectiveness and instrumental value of a treatment the only way to
approach the question of distributive justice in medicine, or should we not
also take in consideration other values such as equality or giving priority
to the worst off (Emanuel et al., 2020)? Similarly, if triage is also to be
done among patients, one needs to know which model is more likely to be
morally justified: a utilitarian model or an egalitarian one (Tabery and
Mackett, 2008) ?

The ethics of vaccination raises many other questions. The first one is
related to the testing process of vaccines, a process which usually takes a
long time. In order to accelerate this process, it has been proposed to
test the vaccine candidates on volunteers and then to expose these
volunteers directly to the virus, provided that they are fully informed
about the risks they are taking (Chappell & Singer, 2020; Eyal, Lipsitch, &
Smith, 2020). But even among volunteers, one may wonder whether testing
should not be prioritized on certain populations, like healthcare workers,
or those who are working on areas which may be considered as essentials to
societies, such as food and transports, or maybe those who are the most
vulnerable to Covid-19. These are pressing questions, and we need clear
criteria for deciding such priorities. A second issue regards the moral
grounds for compulsory vaccination. Some people refuse to be vaccinated,
seeing this obligation as an unjustified deprivation of freedom, or even as
a danger. Leaving aside the influence of conspiracy theories on this kind
of choice and ideology, one still has to provide a clear justification for
this obligation, whether in utilitarian, contractual, or even libertarian
terms. We should also be able to explain why this kind of obligation is not
really a form of moral paternalism. Some have argued, for instance, that we
shall precisely distinguish moral paternalism and public health issues
(Walker, 2016).

The ethics of quarantine and tracing, finally, is closely connected to
sciences such as epidemiology and modelling. While the pandemic continues,
some are still discussing the appropriateness of lockdown and tracing
measures. Admittedly, scientific data on these topics are far from perfect,
and models are fragile, especially when they are carried out in such a
short period of time. But an important question is precisely whether we can
rely on anything other than epidemiological modelling. More precisely, the
question arises as to what value should be given to models in political
decisions. In this respect, there is an ongoing discussion on how modelling
should be carried out to “serve society” (Saltelli et al., 2020). But
beyond the question of the impact of epidemiological models on political
decisions to lockdown, the question remains of the conditions under which a
lockdown can be considered legitimate. Here again, one needs a moral
criterion to define under what conditions exactly public health should
involve a restriction of individual liberties. Some have also argued that
contact tracing could be a real alternative to lockdown (White & van
Basshuysen). But contact tracing, especially digital contact tracing, can
be a satisfactory alternative to lockdown only if it can be argued that it
is perfectly safe and that our personal data is well protected. So that
once-again ethical questions and epistemological ones remain closely

More broadly, this project shall tackle ethical questions which are
peculiarly acute in the time of a pandemic. For instance, one might wonder
whether healthcare workers have a special duty to treat during a pandemic
(Malm et al., 2008). Considering the fact that these workers are primarily
exposed to the pandemic and its dangers, and that they may have to work for
many more hours, possibly in quarantine, we should at least ask on what
moral grounds such a duty can be legitimated. A closely connected issue
concerns the right to be treated during a pandemic, and more generally the
moral right to health. Since healthcare is a limited resource, and even
more during a pandemic, one might ask on what grounds we should consider
healthcare as a right (Rumbold, 2015). And if it is really a right, we
would still have to ask about the modalities of its implementation. These
are pressing questions: even if we have a long-lasting attachment to a
universal right to healthcare in France for instance, it is a lively
possibility that such a right might be questioned and challenged during a
severe pandemic. Thus, we need to be particularly clear about the moral
foundations of such a right. Conversely, one might think that the mere
possibility of a future pandemic is itself a strong argument in favor of
universal health coverage, given that we need to organize the protection of
citizens against a health disaster that could potentially destroy a
country’s economy.

The state of the art on all these topics is at best rudimentary in the
French literature (it should be noted, though, that the “Espace éthique” in
various cities in France have tried to tackle part of the questions
mentioned above), and it is precisely a central part of this project to
remedy this worrying situation. Many members of the team involved in this
project have already published papers either related to the Covid-19 crisis
(particularly on the methodology of ethical trials), either related to
various topics in philosophy of medicine (see section 2), but we think that
through this project a structured philosophical approach of the pandemic
could be organized, in order to meet what seems to be a real social need.

*Program and methodology:*

This one-year project aims to bring together the skills of researchers in
epistemology, ethics, and in philosophy of medicine, in order to develop
interdisciplinary works likely to enrich the French debate on the pandemic,
and also wishes to give rise to quality international publications. In
order to achieve this goal, we plan to organize a four days international
congress in the Université Clermont Auvergne, which is the center part of
this project. Indeed, this congress will promote interaction between French
researchers in various areas of epistemology and ethics, as well as with
foreign researchers, and will thus allow the emergence of quality debates
on the philosophical issues related to the Covid-19 pandemic. We will
also communicate
regularly, and from the beginning of this project, the results of our work
through a website, updated with texts, videos, and podcasts. As a second
step, we also plan to organize the publication of a collective volume
following the congress. A postdoctoral researcher will be recruited to
carry out all of these tasks, with the leader of this project.


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Walker, T. (2016).  “Paternalism and Populations.” *Public Health Ethics*,
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White, L., & van Basshuysen, P. (2020). “How to overcome lockdown:
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