TESaCo <http://www.tesaco.fr/>, enquête de l'Académie des sciences morales et 
politiques  sur les technologies émergentes
organise à l’Institut de France, 23 quai de Conti, 75006, salle Hugot, le 12 
octobre de 11h à 12h30
une conférence en anglais de Jamie Metzl et Virginie Courtier intitulée


Résumé. Understanding how this crisis began has massive implications for 
preventing the next one, but no international investigation has yet been 
carried out nor is one currently planned. This seminar will host two early « 
COVID-19 whistleblowers” with different backgrounds, recognized for their 
pioneering work into probing the origins of the pandemic.

About the speakers :
Jamie Metzl is a leading technology and healthcare futurist, geopolitical 
expert, novelist and entrepreneur living in New-York city. He will describe the 
epic and ongoing struggle to demand a full investigation into the origins of 
Covid-19 and what it will take to build a safer future for all. For more 
information: https://jamiemetzl.com/ <https://jamiemetzl.com/>

Virginie Courtier is a senior researcher in evolutionary genetics at CNRS, 
Université de Paris and Institut Jacques Monod living in Paris. She will review 
how the question has been embraced by the international scientific community 
and focus on the scientific arguments supporting the various hypotheses.


Passe sanitaire exigé.

L’institut Jaques Monod organise la veille, 11 octobre 2021, de 11h45 à 13h, 
dans l'amphi Turing, Bâtiment Sophie Germain, Université de Paris, 75013 Paris 
une conférence  de Jamie Metzl intitulée


Résumé. The miraculous synthetic mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are just small, early 
examples of how the genetics and bioengineering revolutions will transform our 
world. Faster than most people understand or appreciate, our growing, 
superhuman capabilities to restructure the building blocks of life will 
fundamentally alter the way we prevent and treat disease, make babies, generate 
energy, grow food, store data, and create materials. But while this process had 
already begun before COVID-19, the pandemic has catapulted the biology 
revolution to a new phase just like World War II supercharged electronics and 
space travel generations ago. And just like the information technology 
revolution started small then “ate the world,” the biology revolution is about 
to change much of everything. Most businesses and other organizations are not 
ready. In this talk, futurist Jamie Metzl describes how the biology revolution 
will play out over the coming years and what we can all do on a perso
 nal, professional, and global level to prepare and thrive.
Inscription :  
Passe sanitaire exigé.


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