Like in previous editions of UNILOG, we will have a Secret Speaker, a
Speaker whose identity is revealed only at the time of her/his/its talk.
Previous secret speakers at UNILOG include Saul Kripke and Jaakko Hintikka.

Guess who  is the Secret Speaker and win a trip to the 8th UNILOG in Cusco,
Peru !
The game is open to the participants of UNILOG'2022 but also to anybody in
the world.
The winner will be the first to find the correct answer. Check the result
by watching the lecture of the Secret Speaker at UNILOG'2022.

The talk will be Sunday 10 of April at 5pm Greek time at UNILOG'2022 in
If you are not in Crete,  see the zoom link and other details here:

Jean-Yves Beziau
Founder and Organizer of UNILOG


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