5th-7th September, 2022

Turin, Italy

Dear all,

We are pleased to announce that the registration for the PhDs in Logic XIII is 
now open! (See below for the relevant deadlines.) We welcome master students, 
PhDs students and early-career researchers to submit a contribution; 
submissions will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee, and a decision will 
be communicated 2-3 months before the conference. Please visit our website or 
contact us through the form or the email available at<>.


Maria Aloni
Ivano Ciardelli
Sandra Müller
Greg Restall
Jouko Väänänen

The conference will be held in person in the Campus Luigi Einaudi, University 
of Turin. We are confident that at the end of the summer the pandemic situation 
will be under control.

If you are interested, please register as soon as possible, and do not forget 
to submit your title and abstract if you want to contribute with a short talk. 
We also kindly ask you to share this announcement with all people who might be 
interested in the event.


30/04/2022: Abstract submission for contributed talks

20/07/2022: Registration (If you need a child-care, please let us know by 
email/contact-form within June 20th 2022)


Submission of an abstract is through the easychair platform; information and 
link for submission are at the following

The submitted abstract must be in pdf format and it must be ready for blind 
review, therefore it should not contain any author's information. Abstracts 
must be no more than 1000 words long (not including references).

PhD students, master students, and first-year postdocs in logic from 
disciplines that include, but are not limited to, linguistics, mathematics, and 
philosophy are invited to submit an extended abstract on their research.


PhDs in Logic is an annual graduate conference organized by graduate students. 
This interdisciplinary conference welcomes contributions to various topics in 
mathematical logic, philosophical logic, logic in computer science and in 
linguistics. It usually involves tutorials by established researchers as well 
as short presentations by PhD students, master students and first-year postdocs 
on their research.

Kind regards,

The Organizing Committee

Claudio Agostini
Giuliano Rosella
Vita Saitta
Salvatore Scamperti
Renato Turco


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