Hello, on master we have upgraded production.py to use YAML instead of JSON
configuration. This change will not be in Ironwood.  For people closely
following master, if you want to continue using JSON configuration in
edx-platform for the time being you may use aws.py

Production.py in the LMS/CMS expects a variable to be set in the
environment to tell where the application configuration YAML should be
loaded from in LMS_CFG/CMS_CFG respectively. The configuration repo sets
this to be /edx/etc/lms.yml and /edx/etc/cms.yml by default and adds these
defaults to /edx/app/edxapp/edxapp_env

If you are using devstack you will want to update your images 'make stop &&
make pull && make dev.up' this will ensure you have a yaml file and the
LMS_CFG and CMS_CFG get set for you automatically in

If you don't use the configuration repo or devstack you will need to set
this variable so the application knows where to find its YAML config file
if you are using production.py.

For backwards compatibility the following is true:

* settings.ENV_TOKENS and settings.AUTH_TOKENS will BOTH be set to the de
serialized dict loaded from the YAML file.

* Currently production.py in the lms and cms will load both aws.py AND ALSO
LOAD production.py in any edx plugin django apps. This is so that plugins
will continue to work if you change from aws.py to production.py without
upgrading to a plugin version that supports production.py

If you are a plugin author keep an eye out for a DEPR ticket in the near
future regarding the safe sun setting of this fallback functionality.

Let me know if you have any questions/comments/concerns.

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