On Sun, 27 Nov 2022 at 05:54, Esteban Ordóñez <quil...@riseup.net> wrote:
> Hello Eduardo. :-)
> I was so happy to see that you are presenting an EmacsConf talk in a few
> days!
> https://emacsconf.org/2022/talks/eev/
> Many people only read only the first few sentences of each web page.  I
> would like to suggest that you prepend the description with a 2-sentence
> summary of how your talk would benefit the audience.  Perhaps something
> like this:
> "In this presentation, I will demonstrate how I generate short
> hyperlinks to anchors to create bidirectional hyperlinks between my
> notes on language $LANG and programs written in that language."
> I took text from your last sentence on the above link and modified it a
> bit.  I hope that it is useful.

Hi Quiliro! Thanks!

About your suggestion: it's very good, but I don't think that I can
change the abstract in the EmacsConf page... and right now my priority
is to finish the docs of the two things that I will present there,
rehearse the videos more, and record the videos... take a look at
these links:


I think that docs with "Try it"s are more persuasive than short
summaries that explain what people can do... I mean, I am tired of
packages that can do fantastic things when they are used by the right
people, but that I can do very little with them (because of
incompetence or whatever)...

    Edrx =)

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