Hi Erich!

I will need your help to find what broke... and things will be
slightly easier if we use files and functions with the same name. Can
you run something like this to create a file "/tmp/02._seer.mp3",

• (eepitch-shell)
• (eepitch-kill)
• (eepitch-shell)
  cp -v /home/music/some_mp3_file.mp3 /tmp/02._seer.mp3

and then try all the sexps and the eepitch block below?

;; (find-extra-file-links "/tmp/02._seer.mp3" "seer")
;; (find-audio "/tmp/02._seer.mp3")
;; (find-code-audio "seeraudio" "/tmp/02._seer.mp3")
(code-audio "seeraudio" "/tmp/02._seer.mp3")
;; (find-seeraudio)
;; (find-seeraudio "0:00")
;; (find-mpv-audio "/tmp/02._seer.mp3")
;; (find-eev "eev-audiovideo.el" "find-mpv-audio")
;; (ee-find-mpv-audio "/tmp/02._seer.mp3")
;; (find-bgprocess '("xterm" "-geometry" "+200+100" "-e" "mpv"
"/tmp/02._seer.mp3" "--vid=no"))

• (eepitch-shell)
• (eepitch-kill)
• (eepitch-shell)
  xterm -geometry +200+100 -e mpv /tmp/02._seer.mp3 --vid=no &
                              mpv /tmp/02._seer.mp3 --vid=no &

What I did in that block was that I started with one of the most
high-level ways of creating a short link to an audio file - `M-h M-e'
in dired - and then I converted that into more low-level ways step by
step, and I also saved some interesting elisp hyperlinks in the way...
Please tell if there's anything there that doesn't work, or that
doesn't make sense and you can't figure out what "working" would

  Thanks in advance!

On Tue, 26 Dec 2023 at 07:51, Erich Ruff <erich_r...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Hi Edouardo,
> after installing the new version of eev = 20231226 I cannot play anymore
> audiofiles with eev:
> (code-audio "sev1" "/../xxx.mp3")
> (find-sev1 "01:22")
> I reinstalled eev = 20231216 and all worked very well.
> I checked the file eev-audiovideo.el in both versions for diffs, but
> they are identical.
> Pls could you have a look?
> Thank you very much!
> Erich
> On Di 26 Dez 2023 at 03:58, Eduardo Ochs <eduardoo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi list,
> >
> > I recorded and subtitled a second video about my presentation at the
> > EmacsConf2023. The second video is called "REPLs in strange places:
> > updates, a demo, and how to try it", and now the introduction of
> >
> >   (find-show2-intro)
> >   http://anggtwu.net/eev-intros/find-show2-intro.html
> >
> > has several links to it:
> >
> >   1. Introduction
> >   ===============
> >   My presentation at the EmacsConf2023 was titled "REPLs in
> >   strange places: Lua, LaTeX, LPeg, LPegRex, TikZ". My page about
> >   it is here,
> >
> >     http://anggtwu.net/emacsconf2023.html
> >
> >   and its two videos are here:
> >
> >     Info: (find-1stclassvideo-links "eev2023repls")
> >           (find-1stclassvideo-links "eev2023replsb")
> >     Play: (find-eev2023replsvideo  "0:00")
> >           (find-eev2023replsbvideo "0:00")
> >     Subs: (find-eev2023replslsubs  "0:00")
> >           (find-eev2023replsblsubs "0:00")
> >           http://anggtwu.net/emacsconf2023-repls.html
> >           http://anggtwu.net/emacsconf2023-repls-b.html
> >
> >   Cheers, please try, etc =),
> >     Eduardo

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