
woodrowbone wrote:
> Thx a lot h h-2! =)
> I guess this is a task for the devs. to take care of, I hope they read this
> mailing list or? 

Yes we are reading, but *currently* more or less passively.

I analysed the problem, will fix it for next version which will appear soon.

The problem is not the version of the rules, but that snort.org has
changed it's webserver in order to allow download only once. Next
download can be done after a couple of minutes.

But, our ids.cgi makes 2 downloads at a time in order to check if
something has changed and starts the full download only if there is a
new version on the server.
Now this check cannot be done anymore. Will see if there is another

For now it is sufficient to change the following lines within ids.cgi
(line 88):

-       $md5 = &getmd5;
-       if (($snortsettings{'INSTALLMD5'} ne $md5) && defined $md5 ) {
+       if (1 || ($snortsettings{'INSTALLMD5'} ne $md5) && defined $md5 ) {

this should do the trick for now


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