I emailed this once before but thought I would try one more time.  I am
currently testing/evaluating endian to possible purchase for our church.  I
have been very pleased and have most everything working but the one issue
that I am having that I can't solve is that when I try to use openvpn from a
PC behind the firewall it does not work.  I have tried turning off
everything that I could think of but no go, I see the packet hit the logs
but never a return packet.  If I remove the firewall and put in place a
lowly linksys NAT box, all works fine.  So my question is, is there a way to
debug this from the cli and see if it is getting dropped somewhere?  I have
looked at the iptables rules and was thinking of adding some log statements
but not sure what the best approach might be.  Thanks in advanced..
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