On Jul 3, 2008, at 5:43 PM, Igor Mikolic-Torreira wrote:

> Mike,
> I just am getting around to trying the
> clamav-0.93.1-0.endian5.i386.rpm (and related) updates from
> your EFW 2.1.1 web site on my EFW 2.1.2 system.
> Previous updates for 2.1.1 have worked well on 2.1.2 (both
> install itself and subsequent performance), but this time
> the update fails with the message:
> error: Failed dependencies:
> libclamav.so.3 is needed by (installed)
> perl-Mail-Clamav-0.20-1.endian0.i386
> I didn't find an updated version of perl-Mail-Clamav on your
> web site -- is this component not needed on EFW 2.1.1 systems?
> For the record, the files I am updating (as a "set") are:
> clamav-0.93.1-0.endian5.i386.rpm
> clamav-db-0.93.1-0.endian5.i386.rpm
> havp-0.88-1.endian8.i386.rpm
> perl-Mail-SpamAssassin-3.1.9-1.endian4.i386.rpm
> perl-libwww-perl-5.79-5.noarch.rpm
> perl-Mail-SpamAssassin-extras-3.1.9-1.endian4.i386.rpm

perl-Mail-ClamAV is the perl module that allows an interface into  
libclamav. As far as I know it is not used by anything in Endian but  
was there for legacy reasons. I would just force the update. [ -- 
force ] it will work. The problem with perl-Mail-Clamav is that is  
does not get updated fast enough to keep up with the API of ClamAV so  
there is some waiting until it gets patched to work. Most projects  
have moved away from it to used clamd directly.


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