
I have tried out the various clamav updates that Mike 
Tremaine produced for for EFW 2.1.1 systems on my EFW 2.1.2 

(1) Recommend installing the clamav-0.92.1 (and related) 
updates on EFW 2.1.2.  It works just fine for me.

(2) Recommend NOT installing the clamav-0.93.1 update on EFW 
2.1.2 at this time -- it breaks EFW 2.1.2 unless changes are 
made to the EFW side of the system.

As others have pointed out, clamav-0.93.1 made changes to 
the ABI and config options.

In particular, the problem options are:


These need to be replaced and they don't exactly map 1-to-1 
to the new options, so corresponding GUI changes are needed.

More specifically:

(1) /etc/clamav/clamav.conf.tmpl has to be edited to reflect 
the new options (easy to do)

(2) /home/httpd/cgi-bin/endianclamav.pl has to be edited to 
reflect the new config options in the GUI.  As Perl is 
something I rarely dabble in (sorry, I'm a Python guy) the 
edits are probably fairly easy, but I unfortunately couldn't 
crank out the changes in the time I had tonight.

I hope to find the time to do this in the next week or two. 
  Obviously I will post the changes back to the list.



P.S. Mike Tremaine's Stellarcore archive is at:

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