Endian 2.5.1 Community Version:


Once again after 3 months on our Endian firewall the partition /var/log 
was filled up. According to the following document (How to avoid running 
out of space to store log files), I set the corresponding setting in 
order that logs are deleted when 15% of remaining free space is reached.


Unfortunately that does not work, neither the default behavior of 
reaching 10% of free space on /var/log. I noted only today that in the 
help documentation there is mentioned the 
efw-syslog-2.9.8-1.endian9.noarch.rpm fixing this issue. On our firewall 
version efw-syslog-2.7.9-1.endian9str is installed. Is there any way to 
get this actual rpm for the community version?

I would be grateful for any hint. Thanks in advance, Andre

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