Ralph Giles a écrit :
> Hi all,
> We have a student who wants to add support for the royalty-free theora 
> video codec to ekiga as a Google Summer of Code project. We can act as
> primary mentors for this, based on general free software experience, and 
> of course specific knowledge about the the codec and its implementation, 
> but we fear the student won't get far without some help from someone who 
> understands the ekiga code, and can offer support for getting the 
> implementation accepted upstream.
> Are any of the ekiga developers interested in acting as a co-mentor (or 
> primary mentor) for this project? What's your general opinion on the
> project idea?
Damien , Craig and myself are at Fostel and we find it very interesting 
and we will provide all required support. Craig is the one with the most 
knowledge about codecs in Opal.

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