Hello Anand, 

according to the debug output you sent you did not establish any call, so I 
suppose that you just
tried the video in preview mode. The windows development version makes use of 
DirectDraw for video
output (if available). Its implementation right now does depend on incoming 
video to display any
frame (its not really a bug but rather a missing feature that is known and will 
be resolved once a
good approach has been decided upon). So DirectDraw video will work once a call 
is established and
if receiving video, but not in preview mode and not when only sending video. 
(Could you perhaps
check that?)
Also I think this alignment error in mpeg4 should have been fixed un June 16 I 

--- Anand R Setlur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:

> Hello List,
> I was wondering if anyone else is running into the same issue as me and if 
> there
> is a known/suggested workaround. With the introduction of directshow support
> in the Ekiga2 stream, my webcam works rather well there whereas I get a blank
> screen with no video when I try to compile and run the bleeding edge version 
> of
> Ekiga(compiled yesterday July 2,2007) from the SVN trunk. The rest of the GUI
> works fine and even the video acts as though it is displaying something with
> suspend video/resume video but with no actual displayed output.
> Any insight into this issue is much appreciated.
> Here is the output of ekiga.exe -d 5
> > H.264 plugin: successfully loaded .\avcodec
> > H.264 Plugin: Found GPL process executable in 
> > .\plugins\libH264_pwplugin_helper.exe
> > H.264 Plugin: Successfully created child process 3324
> > H.264 Plugin: Successfully established communication with child process
> > MPEG4 plugin: ff_check_alignment() reports failure; stack alignment is not 
> > correct
> > 2007/07/03 10:55:59.555       0:01.778             ekiga            Version 
> > 2.1.0 by  on Windows XP
> (v5.1.2600-i586) at 2007/7/3 10:55:59.555
> > 2007/07/03 10:55:59.555       0:01.778             ekiga    Detected audio 
> > plugins: WindowsMultimedia
> > 2007/07/03 10:55:59.555       0:01.778             ekiga    Detected video 
> > plugins:
> DirectShow,VideoForWindows,Picture
> > 2007/07/03 10:55:59.555       0:01.779             ekiga    Detected audio 
> > plugins: WindowsMultimedia
> > 2007/07/03 10:55:59.555       0:01.779             ekiga    Detected video 
> > plugins:
> DirectShow,VideoForWindows,Picture
> > 2007/07/03 10:55:59.555       0:01.779             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > GetInputDeviceNames()
> > 2007/07/03 10:55:59.571       0:01.792             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > GetInputDeviceNames() Found
> this capture device 'Live! Cam Notebook Pro #2'
> > 2007/07/03 10:55:59.571       0:01.792             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > GetInputDeviceNames() Found
> this capture device 'Live! Cam Notebook Pro (VFW)'
> > 2007/07/03 10:55:59.571       0:01.792             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > GetInputDeviceNames() No more
> video capture device
> > 2007/07/03 10:55:59.696       0:01.911             ekiga    Detected the 
> > following audio input devices:
> SoundMAX HD Audio,Bluetooth Audio,Bluetooth High Quality Audio with plugin 
> WindowsMultimedia
> > 2007/07/03 10:55:59.696       0:01.911             ekiga    Detected the 
> > following audio output devices:
> SoundMAX HD Audio,Bluetooth Audio,Bluetooth High Quality Audio with plugin 
> WindowsMultimedia
> > 2007/07/03 10:55:59.696       0:01.911             ekiga    Detected the 
> > following video input devices:
> Live! Cam Notebook Pro #2,Live! Cam Notebook Pro (VFW) with plugin DirectShow
> > 2007/07/03 10:55:59.696       0:01.911             ekiga    Detected the 
> > following audio input devices:
> SoundMAX HD Audio,Bluetooth Audio,Bluetooth High Quality Audio with plugin 
> WindowsMultimedia
> > 2007/07/03 10:55:59.696       0:01.912             ekiga    Detected the 
> > following audio output devices:
> SoundMAX HD Audio,Bluetooth Audio,Bluetooth High Quality Audio with plugin 
> WindowsMultimedia
> > 2007/07/03 10:55:59.696       0:01.912             ekiga    Detected the 
> > following video input devices:
> Live! Cam Notebook Pro #2,Live! Cam Notebook Pro (VFW) with plugin DirectShow
> > 
> > (ekiga.exe:4956): Pango-WARNING **: couldn't load font "Tahoma Condensed 
> > Not-Rotated 8",
> falling back to "Sans Condensed Not-Rotated 8", expect ugly output.
> > 
> > (ekiga.exe:4956): Pango-WARNING **: couldn't load font "Sans Condensed 
> > Not-Rotated 8", falling
> back to "Sans Not-Rotated 8", expect ugly output.
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.290       0:02.505             ekiga    Ekiga version 
> > 2.1.0
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.290       0:02.505             ekiga    OPAL version 
> > 2.3.2
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.290       0:02.505             ekiga    PWLIB version 
> > 1.11.3
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.290       0:02.505             ekiga    GNOME support 
> > disabled
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.290       0:02.505             ekiga    Fullscreen 
> > support disabled
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.290       0:02.506             ekiga    DBUS support 
> > disabled
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.305       0:02.531             ekiga    Set TCP port 
> > range to 30000:30010
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.305       0:02.531             ekiga    Set RTP port 
> > range to 5000:5059
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.321       0:02.531             ekiga    Set UDP port 
> > range to 5060:5100
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.321       0:02.531             ekiga    OpalEP  Created 
> > endpoint: h323
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.321       0:02.531             ekiga    H323    Created 
> > endpoint.
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.321       0:02.532             ekiga    OpalMan Added 
> > route "pc:.*=h323:<da>"
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.321       0:02.532             ekiga    OpalEP  Created 
> > endpoint: sip
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.321       0:02.532             ekiga    SIP     Created 
> > endpoint.
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.321       0:02.532             ekiga    OpalMan Added 
> > route "pc:.*=sip:<da>"
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.321       0:02.532             ekiga    OpalEP  Created 
> > endpoint: pc
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.321       0:02.532             ekiga    PCSS    Created 
> > PC sound system endpoint.
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.321       0:02.532             ekiga    OpalMan Added 
> > route "h323:.*=pc:<da>"
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.321       0:02.532             ekiga    OpalMan Added 
> > route "sip:.*=pc:<da>"
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.321       0:02.533             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > GetInputDeviceNames()
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.321       0:02.540             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > GetInputDeviceNames() Found
> this capture device 'Live! Cam Notebook Pro #2'
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.321       0:02.540             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > GetInputDeviceNames() Found
> this capture device 'Live! Cam Notebook Pro (VFW)'
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.321       0:02.540             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > GetInputDeviceNames() No more
> video capture device
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.321       0:02.540             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > PVideoInputDevice_DirectShow:
> constructor
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.321       0:02.540             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > Open(Live! Cam Notebook Pro
> #2,0)
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.321       0:02.540             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > IsOpen()
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.321       0:02.540             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > InitializeCapture()
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.321       0:02.540             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > Initialize_Interfaces()
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.462       0:02.672             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > SetDevice(Live! Cam Notebook
> Pro #2)
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.462       0:02.679             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > SetDevice() current capture
> device 'Live! Cam Notebook Pro #2'
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.540       0:02.755             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > SetDevice() This one is kept
> 'Live! Cam Notebook Pro #2'
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.555       0:02.775             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > ListSupportedFormats()
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.571       0:02.781             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > Fmt[0] = (YUV420P, 320x240,
> 30fps)
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.571       0:02.782             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > Fmt[1] = (YUV420P, 640x480,
> 15fps)
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.571       0:02.782             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > Fmt[2] = (YUV420P, 352x288,
> 30fps)
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.571       0:02.783             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > Fmt[3] = (YUV420P, 176x144,
> 30fps)
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.571       0:02.783             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > Fmt[4] = (YUV420P, 160x120,
> 30fps)
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.571       0:02.783             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > Fmt[5] = (BGR24, 320x240,
> 30fps)
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.571       0:02.783             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > Fmt[6] = (BGR24, 640x480,
> 15fps)
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.571       0:02.783             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > Fmt[7] = (BGR24, 352x288,
> 30fps)
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.571       0:02.783             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > Fmt[8] = (BGR24, 176x144,
> 30fps)
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.571       0:02.784             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > Fmt[9] = (BGR24, 160x120,
> 30fps)
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.571       0:02.784             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > GetDefaultFormat()
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.571       0:02.784             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > Default format is: YUV420P,
> 320x240, 30fps)
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.571       0:02.784             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > SetColourFormat(YUV420P)
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.571       0:02.784             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > SetFormat("YUV420P", 320x240,
> 30fps)
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.571       0:02.785             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > Using setting [0] = (YUV420P,
> 320x240, 30fps, max:30fps)
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.665       0:02.855             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > Ok
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.665       0:02.855             ekiga    PVidDev 
> > SetColourFormatConverter success for
> native YUV420P
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.665       0:02.855             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > SetFrameRate(30fps)
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.665       0:02.855             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > SetFormat("YUV420P", 320x240,
> 30fps)
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.665       0:02.856             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > Using setting [0] = (YUV420P,
> 320x240, 30fps, max:30fps)
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.665       0:02.857             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > Ok
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.665       0:02.857             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > SetFrameSize(176, 144)
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.665       0:02.857             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > SetFormat("YUV420P", 176x144,
> 30fps)
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.665       0:02.859             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > Using setting [3] = (YUV420P,
> 176x144, 30fps, max:30fps)
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.665       0:02.860             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > Ok
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.665       0:02.860             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > SetFrameSize 176x144 is
> suported in hardware
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.665       0:02.860             ekiga    PVidDev 
> > SetFrameSize to 176x144
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.665       0:02.861             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > set frame size 176x144 
> frameBytes=38016
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:00.665       0:02.861             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > Start()
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:02.759       0:04.947             ekiga    PVidDev 
> > SetFrameSize to 176x144
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:02.759       0:04.947             ekiga    PVidDev 
> > SetColourFormatConverter, want YUV420P
> trying RGB32
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:02.759       0:04.947             ekiga    PVidDev 
> > SetColourFormatConverter, want YUV420P
> trying BGR32
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:02.759       0:04.947             ekiga    PVidDev 
> > SetColourFormatConverter, want YUV420P
> trying RGB24
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:02.759       0:04.947             ekiga    PVidDev 
> > SetColourFormatConverter set renderer
> to RGB24
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:02.759       0:04.947             ekiga    PVidDev 
> > SetColourFormatConverter succeeded for
> YUV420P and device using RGB24
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:02.759       0:04.947             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > IsOpen()
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:02.759       0:04.948             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > GetWhiteness() = 39321
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:02.759       0:04.948             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > GetBrighness() = 32768
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:02.759       0:04.948             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > GetColour() = 32768
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:02.759       0:04.948             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > GetContrast() = 32768
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:02.759       0:04.948             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > GetHue() = 32768
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:02.759       0:04.948             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > GetInputDeviceNames()
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:02.759       0:04.958             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > GetInputDeviceNames() Found
> this capture device 'Live! Cam Notebook Pro #2'
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:02.759       0:04.958             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > GetInputDeviceNames() Found
> this capture device 'Live! Cam Notebook Pro (VFW)'
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:02.759       0:04.958             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > GetInputDeviceNames() No more
> video capture device
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:02.759       0:04.958             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > PVideoInputDevice_DirectShow:
> constructor
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:02.759       0:04.958             ekiga    PVidDirectShow  
> > IsOpen()
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:02.774       0:04.963      Opal Liste...er:3fa6860 Listen  
> > Started listening thread on
> tcp$
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:02.774       0:04.963      Opal Liste...er:3fa6860 Listen  
> > Waiting on socket accept on
> tcp$
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:02.790       0:04.983      Opal Liste...er:3f6a4a8 Listen  
> > Started listening thread on
> udp$
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:02.852       0:05.041             ekiga    Detected audio 
> > codecs:
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:02.930       0:05.123             ekiga    Detected video 
> > codecs:
> H.261,H.261-CIF,H.261-QCIF,H.264,MPEG4,MPEG4-CIF,MPEG4-QCIF
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:24.009       0:26.209             ekiga    SIP     Deleted 
> > endpoint.
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:24.009       0:26.209             ekiga    OpalEP  sip 
> > endpoint destroyed.
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:24.009       0:26.210             ekiga    PCSS    Deleted 
> > PC sound system endpoint.
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:24.009       0:26.210             ekiga    OpalEP  pc 
> > endpoint destroyed.
> > 2007/07/03 10:56:24.009       0:26.210             ekiga    OpalMan Deleted 
> > manager.
> > Compiler did not align stack variables. Libavcodec has been miscompiled
> > and may be very slow or crash. This is not a bug in libavcodec,
> > but in the compiler. Do not report crashes to FFmpeg developers.
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> Ekiga-devel-list@gnome.org
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